Heavenly Hookups

Your Health is Your Wealth!

Camille Battaglia Episode 11

Dr. Holt is a pioneer in the Wellness industry and has been studying nutritional supplementation for over 50 years. Dr. Holt, is almost 88 years young, he is a walking testimony to living a long, healthy lifestyle, he still plays golf and goes to the office. 

57 Years ago, Dr. Holt was told he would have to go on heart medicine. 

Dr. Holt took preventive measures searching for his own health benefits. 
37 years ago, ForYouInc was born out of necessity.

On 7/17/24 -
The Holts Doctor said, after giving them both an EKG, I can't find one thing wrong.  Dr. Holt's wife said, we take Super Nutrition!

Camille Battaglia

Tune in to hear him sharing his life giving secrets with you!
You deserve to live a healthy life!


300 million cells in your body die every day and replaced by a new cell. If that new cell is not getting the proper nutrition, pardon the expression but it's going to be sicker than the one that died. If you get the proper nutrition it could be healthier and that's why I contribute my health today. You can't stop aging but I stopped the premature aging. Everybody's goal should be stop premature aging and you have to give it God's medicine and this is what we've done. 

Hi! My name is Camille Battaglia with Heavenly Hookups and I'm so excited to have my guest here Dr Holt a pioneer in the wellness industry, he's been researching nutritional supplementation for over 50 years. He's had a company that he started ForYou, it's been around for 37 years. I'm just so grateful for this product. It's been life changing for me I've been using the skincare since 2016 and discovered that they had enzymes and minerals that I did not know that I [00:01:00] was missing in my diet. It immediately showed up on my skin and people began to take notice within the first couple of weeks of using this product. I went ahead and swapped out all of my vitamins that I've been taking for several years to fight off thyroid issues and all different kinds of things.

Within a month, a month and a half of taking the entire product line, I began to drop weight quickly. I battled with my weight like 10 to 20 pounds. It always seemed to be an issue. Once I took the products I began to lose weight because my body was finally being fed what it wanted, what it needed. 

I'm so excited to have you here Dr Holt. I'm so thankful that you're a part of my life. I look forward to helping you spread the word about your amazing products! 

I'm so excited that you're here with us! Can you tell us a little bit about how you got started and when you got started? 

Thank you Camille for having me today. I was Practicing Dentist, just started my practice and I was having several health issues myself and I went in for my [00:02:00] annual checkup and my internist wanted to place me on medication for my heart. I come from a history of heart disease my granddaddy died at 49 of a massive heart attack. Didn't know he had any problem wasn't taking any drugs. As a result of that my dad started taking every drug the doctors gave him, he died at the age of 59, massive heart attack. 

When they said to place me on a drug I said to myself, If the heart don't get me the drug will by the time I'm 50. And I started researching I did not desire to go on the drugs at that age. I was only 30 years of age at that time. I started researching found out that I wasn't getting what I needed even though I was eating food that was grown by my dad on the farm. I thought we were eating well but I found out we were not getting what we needed.

In my research I discovered that the soil in that time was depleted of life saving nutrients like minerals, enzymes and things and necessary vitamins to keep you healthy. I started researching and I started taking [00:03:00] vitamins from other companies and I couldn't find anything that was doing what I wanted to do. I started developing our product line, ForYou product line in 1987. One of the first products we developed was Honey Bee Pollen. You know today, God created everything on earth for man to provide everything he needed to stay healthy. But man has destroyed what God's created. So today the food you're eating is dead, there's no enzymes in the food because they gather it before it ripens and there's no enzymes in it. The minerals have been depleted out of the soil, there's basically 3 minerals today in the soil. You need 72 minerals just to stay healthy. 

I started doing that research and I started to develop this product line and the first product we developed was Honey Bee Pollen because Honey Bee Pollen is one of the most perfect food sources that we know of, it contains every known nutrient to mankind. The thing about it is it's loaded with protein. It's [00:04:00] been pre digested so it essentially goes absorbed right into the digestive system. Our Honey Bee Pollen contains all the essential amino acids and enzymes enough to digest the Honey Bee Pollen and they're in small amounts. And they're necessary because we're going to keep the body balanced and that's what you're talking about. Your body has to have a nutritional balance program that's synergistically balanced with enzymes, minerals vitamins and herbals. If you're not taking enzymes and 72 minerals your vitamins and other herbs and things are not absorbed into the system. So it makes the metabolic function improve when you start taking the Honey Bee Pollen. This gives you energy, got more stamina. Years ago the Olympic athletes when they were taking Honey Bee Pollen they took it for better performance, they had more energy, more stamina they had quicker recovery time. Now there's a lot of Honey bee Pollen on the market today but ours comes from a high desert source. There's no contamination [00:05:00] of insecticides and the bee will travel out five miles to collect the pollen. In an agricultural area, where the crops are grown, then they're going to be contaminated with insecticides and pesticides. So that's not necessary, so ours come from a high desert source where there is no insecticides or pesticides. And the atmosphere in the desert is dry, but in the rural areas like in the rest of the country, there's a lot of moisture in the air. And that moisture is in that Honey Bee Pollen that they collect and they have to dry it out and when they heat it they kill the enzymes in it. So ours comes from a high desert source where there's not much moisture and it's just dried at room temperature so we retain the enzymes which are essential for the Honey Bee Pollen to work. 

We crush that granule because when the bees collect the pollen they add some of their saliva and then encapsulates it and it's been shown that encapsulated pollen [00:06:00] granule can last for hundreds of years. So if people are taking it in a capsule and that pollen is not being crushed it goes right out of the body. And all we do to ours is add some royal jelly and some honey to it so it can hold it together. It's in a tablet form. And that royal jelly is what makes the queen bee become the queen bee So we have royal jelly, small amount of honey it's not going to affect the person's blood sugar. And it's a pure Honey Bee Pollen purest form that you can have anywhere in the world and that's the first product we developed. 

I like it because, it does dissolve in your mouth and I think it tastes delicious. Now when someone's starting to take the Honey Bee Pollen how do you recommend they start taking the Honey Bee Pollen if they've never had it before? 

That's a good question. See our bodies are very toxic. The food you eat's got poisons in it. The water you drink's got poison in it. The air you breathe's got poison in it. And so our body is very loaded with toxins and poisons. And Bee Pollen is going to start cleaning those toxins and [00:07:00] poisons out of the body and if you take it too quickly somebody thinks well I'm allergic to it. All it's doing is detoxifying. So we recommend that they take a eighth, 1/8 is a tablet comes in a tablet. You can take it, cut it in in fourth, then cut it again and start off take an eighth or a fourth. No more than that because that will gradually get rid of the toxins won't overload your body with the toxin being removed which somebody say well I can't take it because I'm having these symptoms. Those are detoxifying symptoms so we just recommend you start off real slow with it. Each one's different, but most people can start off with an eighth, then three or four days take a fourth, then a half, then three or four more days take a whole one to work up to three a day. So that's the way we recommend a person take it. They're going to see a difference. 

Yeah, I know that I was tired the first month, when I was on all the products. But that's because the poisons were leaving my body. Just like when you're losing weight right? I guess it's kind of the [00:08:00] same thing? You you do get more tired because you are changing your diet. Maybe you're eating more fruits and vegetables. At least it affected my system. Right.

From there you developed the Honey Bee Pollen and then what was the next one that you really wanted to...Ancient Sea Minerals, Ancient Sea Mineral has 72 minerals and trace minerals in it it comes from the ocean. It's chelated, I mean it's conjoined together with protein, amino acids which makes those minerals go into the body even more quickly. But your body must have at least 72 minerals and trace minerals. Our Ancient Sea Mineral has those 72 minerals in it. And the amazing thing about that is God knew when man would destroy everything basically he created. So he's allowed us to discover these things that he's preserved for us even in this day where all of our food is depleted and our soil is messed up and everything that's going on in the foods we eat. And these minerals are in exact [00:09:00] proportion as the minerals in your body. Bible says, man came from dust and you're going back to dust. So these minerals are at exactly percentage of the minerals that's in a person's body and you cannot, you cannot digest your food no matter what you take if you don't have first enzymes that's in that small amounts in Honey Bee Pollen that's good for a lot of people but sometimes they have to go to advanced enzymes which you have also in our product line but basically a younger person can get by with the Honey Bee Pollen because it's got the enzymes in it. 

The enzymes are going to cause the minerals to be absorbed. Just because you take food into the stomach and goes into the digestive tract it doesn't mean it's absorbed and picked up by the bloodstream taken to the cells because that's where you live is in cells. No matter what a person's taking, they don't have live enzymes and they have minerals these 72 not just a few minerals 72 minerals and trace minerals, they're [00:10:00] not going to absorb the food they eat. The food they eat is not gonna absorb correctly. All the supplements are take is going 90% of 'em gonna go right out the body so they're not going to get the benefit. So the Ancient Sea Mineral is a very important part of our program Camille.

Yeah, one of my favorite products too are the enzymes, the Bio Enzymes, I love them! 

Well those Bio Enzymes, Enzymes are life. As I mentioned earlier, they're gathering the food now, from this ground where it's grown. They're gathering it before it ripens and no enzymes are formed in food whatever the food is, fruit, vegetable, whatever it is until it's matured and ripened on the vine or in the field. You think you get it, now most people eating mostly cooked food. We have Advanced Bioenzymes, when you cook food 116 degrees Fahrenheit you kill every enzyme in there. Nothing digests without enzymes so we're having a major problem in our day with people with [00:11:00] digestive problems. Most of them, they're not digesting their food. I have a friend of mine, his mother had some serious conditions and ended up in the hospital and they were going to remove half of her colon but it was so bad they had to remove her entire colon. That just happened two days ago. They had to take this lady's entire colon out of her body because it was just destructive. 

90 percent of that comes from undigested, putrefied food, It causes that to happen but the enzymes are absolutely critical for food to digest and that's what we have in our Advanced Bioenzyme system. And as I say, there's some enzymes in Honey Bee Pollen but if you're having any problems either bloatness or indigestion or anything like that, a person definitely needs to take our Advanced Bioenzyme. It's the only thing that's going to digest food. Antacids do nothing to digest food. They get rid of the gas which causes the pain. And when they get rid of the gas that causes the pain they [00:12:00] also eliminate the hydrochloric acid in the digestive tract which is essential to digest food also so it just gets the body all out of balance. We have the enzymes and that's in the Honey Bee Pollen as I said, then we've got our Ancient Sea Minerals. It has those 72 minerals and trace minerals and without the enzymes without the minerals you're wasting your time with your vitamins.

Now we do have an Inner Cellular Energy Multi-Vitamin. It's a powerful vitamin. It has a small amount of enzymes in it. We want to make sure the food are digesting so it can absorb into the system like it ought to and it also contains minerals that's in our multivitamin, intercellular multivitamin. 

It's a powerful antioxidant has it has a herb in there called ginkgo biloba. It improves the brain function It helps the blood brain barrier get nutrients to the brain. It helps improve the function of the brain, It's important to proper blood flow in the body. You have 60,000 miles of [00:13:00] blood vessels in your body and 80 percent of those are tiny capillaries. Those tiny capillaries are about as small as a strand of hair. You got to make sure that blood flow is through there, so ginkgo is a very important part of our Inner Cellular Multi-V itamin program and that ginkgo tree I got one in my yard someone gave me years ago, a ginkgo tree. That ginkgo tree can live up to 3,000 years of age. That's a long time, so you can take all the vitamins in the world and if you don't have these minerals the trace minerals, you don't have the enzymes, it's just not going to work like it ought to. Now, I know medicine recommends the vitamin D3, calcium and magnesium but they're overlooking the fact that you've got to have 72 minerals to make those vitamins absorb like they ought to. And as I said earlier, if a person is taking a multivitamin and you don't have the enzymes and minerals you're wasting your time because 90 percent of what you're taking is going right out of the body. 

[00:14:00] That's our multivitamin if you had to buy it across the counter, the ones that doctors recommend most, what we have in ours they'd have to buy 7 to 8 bottles of the other just to get the amount of vitamin B6, B3 ,B1 ,B2, C and all things there, but you can't get the ginkgo biloba and that separates us and we're excited about that. We got amazing results with our Inner Cellular Multi-Vitamin. 

There was some recent news about thiamine and we have a lot in the Inner Cellular Multi- Vitamin? 

Thiamine is a very important vitamin and we have probably 12 to 13 times more vitamins concentration of vitamins, the D's and all that, than the average vitamin has on the shelf It's just amazing! 

You want the fountain of life? You got to have the enzymes. You got to have your minerals. You gotta have your multivitamin also. 

Let's go back to the [00:15:00] Colon Care, that's another product I really love. Because the average person carries a lot of weight in their colon. Well all that food that you didn't digest it putrefies. Other words it sticks to the walls of the colon and without enzymes that food cannot digest. We found out that most medical prescriptions, the number one problem that medical prescriptions are written for is for the digestive tract. More money is spent in America on digestive issues than all other diseases in the country. That's because people are eating the wrong foods they can't digest the food and when that food doesn't digest it clings to the wall of the colon. And ours is not a laxative. People are living off a laxative and laxative paralyzes the gut and that's not what you want to do. Ours is a herbal cleanser and it removes that fecal material from the colon and it stimulates the colon to produce its normal peristaltic action that helps repair and [00:16:00] strengthen the entire gastrointestinal system and disinfects it. It also helps with the gallbladder. It also helps with the liver, It also helps with the gastrointestinal circulation, it's antibacterial, antifungal and as you say, most people even having a bowel movement every day still build up in the colon. So you've got to make sure those colon walls are cleansed, because if the colon walls are not cleansed then that bloodstream cannot pick up the nutrients and it can't get rid of the poisons in the body. 

Remember laxatives will paralyze the gut over time. I've heard of several people having to have three to four feet of the small intestine removed. This friend of mine's mother just had her entire colon removed. That means she'd be on a colon bag the rest of her life. That's a sad commentary. 

Awful, that's no way to live. 

I have to say, since I've been taking the product since last August, I haven't had to take an [00:17:00] antacid once. It's been almost one year. I used to have to take them regularly. 

What causes that, what they call GERD or acid reflux is because that comes from undigested, putrefied food, begins pardon my English, begins to rot in the gut and it creates all kinds of problems. That's because you don't have the enzymes. The enzymes must be as important as the digestive tract it functions like it ought to.

Now, we do have other products you mentioned chlorella. Chlorella and Honey Bee Pollen are two of the most powerful whole foods on Earth and these were created by God, Ha ha all we did was just process it. Chlorella is the Bluegreen algae. It's called the Food of Dreams. It comes from freshwater algae and one of the earliest form of life and is arousing interest among researchers of the health benefits. The number one product [00:18:00] in Japan that people take there is Chlorella and Japan has a one of the longest life spands in the world. America's about 29th in the world on longevity, 29 to 30 nations live longer than we do. We spend more money on medical treatment than anybody in the world. Digestive is improved with Chlorella and helps the bowel health to be better. It's the most powerful removal of the toxins in the body and it helps cleanse its bowels the bloodstream. It has chlorophyll and chlorophyll is a highly sorbent thing it gets rid of the bad stuff in the body and it's a major, major product. 

That's why I started taking it, I wanted to get the heavy metals out my body. I was using it in place of a green juice to help remove the toxins from my body. That's why I was so interested in the Chlorella. 


That's one of our important parts of our program. [00:19:00] And then another one is Colostrum. That's lifes first food is Colostrum. For years Colostrum has been as a folk remedy in the Scandinavian countries. It has Many health benefits. Contains all the immunoglobulins which help destroy the bad bacteria, the viruses, protects intestinal tract lining from invaders, invading the lining of the digestive tract and it helps support the immune system. Our whole program is designed to help improve the immune system because the immune system determines how healthy you are, you're no healthier than the immune system. We found this out with COVID, the importance of the immune system and you got to keep that immune system strong. So we use Bovine Colostrum and I've been taking that for years and I can't remember when I've had a cold. And before I started on our program I would catch every flu bug that came around, every virus that [00:20:00] came around every four to six weeks I was having problems. I don't have that anymore and I've contributed to our program to give my body what my body needs. God's created in such a way you give your body what your body needs the body will heal itself. 

You like me to talk about Tree of Life the olive leaf extract?

Yeah, the Tree of Life.

After the flood, Noah sent the dove out and the dove brought back to the ark a olive leaf twig. That meant the water has succeeded enough that he could see the trees. I've asked myself many times, there must have been some great significance of all the trees for him to bring back the olive leaf twig. We've known the benefit of olive oil for years but not till last few years that we run the benefit of the olive leaf. If a bug, they tell me, if it bites an olive leaf it'll die. And Dr Renis, a medical doctor, he found out that olive leaf was virucidal. 

It's against viruses, against bacteria, against the [00:21:00] superbugs. We didn't talk about superbugs and killer bugs they're surfacing today. Tree of Life helps fight the fatigue and many other ailments that we are faced with and we know now that the benefits of the olive leaf is very, very important in our diet. God has been trying to tell us something all along, we gone to drugs and everything else and gotten away from the natural things. Olive leaf tree also, it lives up to 1,500 years. The olive leaf tree, it's very important makes the blood vessels more flexible. That's the importance of the olive leaf. Tree of Life is a product called olive leaf extract.

That's amazing. 

Some of the products we have of course, we have a few others, one of those is Advanced BioAnti-Oxidant a study was done by the National Cancer Institute on aging at John Hopkins University and the American Heart Association found that antioxidants from fruits and vegetables and natural herbs function in our bodies to aid our cellular and [00:22:00] tissue systems. Free radicals are floating in all of our bloodstream. So what the antioxidants do they go in and destroy the free radicals in the body. Our BioAnti-Oxidant is 20 times more powerful than vitamin C and 50 times more powerful than vitamin E is an antioxidant. 

I asked a survey years ago the doctors were not recommending any nutritional products at that time more are doing so today. But the lady said, she was in a group meeting with a group of physicians and 99 percent of them are on Anti-Oxidant. They saw the benefit of taking Anti-Oxidant. Of course, they can't prescribe it, because of their society, the American Medical Association won't allow them to do that. That's Advanced BioAnti-Oxidant, It helps clean the free radicals out of the bloodstream a very important part of our program. 

Another product we have is Youth Factor. Youth Factor has DHEA pregnenolamine. As we [00:23:00] age our hormonal level decline, and the production of hormones decrease and as stress and all the other things affect our ability to produce hormones. 

What most people don't know, sleep is very important because most of your hormones in your body are produced between 2 o'clock and 4 o'clock in the morning. In order for that to take place like it ought to you must be in a deep sleep for the production of these hormones and when a person's having sleep problems they interfere with the hormone production of the body also.

Now DHEA which is in our Youth Factor. It's the mother of all hormones of your body. It regulates all the hormones in your body. Then we have pregnenolone in our program in that Youth Factor and that's the mother of DHEA. So these two are very important to help balance out the levels of hormones in the body. It helps also, you're talking about losing weight, it also helps with obesity. It helps [00:24:00] support the cardiovascular system at the same time, that's called Youth Factor.

Now another product we have for men is called Prostate Formula. We have Saw Palmetto, we have other nutrients in there. Doctors say, if a man lives long enough he'll have prostate cancer. When I was in my 20s I was having some problem in my prostate, I was bleeding through the prostate and here I am next couple of months I'll be 88 years of age and I have no prostate problems. 

I just believe in doing it in a natural way. Now all I'm telling you today is we're not trying to treat any disease, we're not trying to prevent or cure anything, we're not doing that, this is for education. You make your decision, these are not drugs these are natural things.

One thing you talked about was helping you lose weight, is our Thin-Ergy a powerful product. It's an herbal complex that helps a person have an ideal body shape and weight. And one of the main nutrients in there is Chromium [00:25:00] Piclonate. It was discovered by Dr Gary Evans, He says, there is now no Chromium in the soil. It's been missing Chromium has been missing in the soil since 1963. 

Look at diabetes today, Chromium picolinate is the only mineral that really regulates the way the insulin works in the body. Dr Gary Evans in his studies at Bemidji State University found out that when he gave people Chromium picolinate, it helped promote muscle tissue and decreases the body fat. He actually tried this on football players and saw the muscle mass increase. Sometime when a person is taking Thin-Ergy they may not show a lot of weight loss but like you said, it's the inches that count because muscle is much heavier than fat. You're going to lose the fat but you're going to build the muscle when you take Thin-Ergy. I recommend taking that [00:26:00] about 15 to 20 minutes before your morning meal and before your noon meal and you'll see a major difference.

There's one other product, I'll mention that we have also, Camille. It's our Calcium Factor, it's a combination of nutrients that helps maintain or correct the acid balance base in the body also, you're talking about that. Calcium and Magnesium are one of the two most important nutrients when they work together and it takes the combination of the Magnesium and the Calcium working together. It's so important for your bones. The Magnesium is essential for the heart. It's also, important to help support the immune system and it's very important for absorption of minerals also. 

Calcium will not absorb without D3, we have D3 in that form also and it will not absorb without boron. A boron is a mineral that makes the calcium, magnesium absorb in the body like it ought to.

This is our program. These are the products we have and we see a [00:27:00] lot of benefits when a person stays with them. Must take them at least twice a day, once a day is not going to work because every 8 to 12 hours every water soluble nutrient in your body is flushed out and has to be replaced. So if you're going once a day, you're just halfway giving your body what your body needs. Now fat soluble vitamins and nutrients they stay in longer but water soluble are flushed out. So make sure they're taken at least twice a day. Some of them need to be taken three times a day and they need to be taken every day. I tell everybody, Don't start on the program unless you're going to do it for 90 days. Because it's going to take 90 days for that program to work like it ought to because your body since the day you were born to the day you die you're going through what we call degeneration and regeneration. And then proper nutritional supplementation helps you accelerate the regeneration. 300 million [00:28:00] cells in your body die every day and replaced by a new cell. If that new cell is not getting the proper nutrition, pardon the expression but it's going to be sicker than the one that died. If you get the proper nutrition it could be healthier and that's why I contribute my health today. You can't stop aging but I stopped the premature aging. Everybody's goal should be stop premature aging and you have to give it God's medicine and this is what we've done and I thank you for the opportunity to talk with you. 

Thank you for being here and sharing your story. You said, you're almost 88 years old and I know you still golf, you're active and you still go to the office every day. It's a huge testimony to your products. 

Even my children, my kids are in their twenties, they're starting to take it cause they've seen the change in me. It's been such a blessing and I want to thank you for your time. 


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My name is Camille Battaglia, with Dr Holt here today so thankful that you all could join us. We pray that you all have healthy, happy lives. In Jesus name, Amen. 

Amen. Thanks a lot. 

Is there anything else you wanted to add? 

Well your life is in your own hands. Your body doesn't know how to treat drugs. All drugs build up in the system. All drugs have side effects. If you give your body what your body needs the body will heal itself. Now again, none of this is approved by the FDA. We're not out there to create, cure or prevent any disease. We're just to teach people, you make the choice. 

You'll have a healthier lifestyle if you give it our nutritional product. 

And be sure you eat correctly. Drink pure, clean water. Water is filthy today. They've got so much chemicals and [00:30:00] things in the water, now, they've got microplastic in water and everything. I prefer alkaline water, must be filtered alkaline water get those chemicals out of there cause water's life also. When you do that, you're going to have better health get rid of the junk foods and also have a good attitude. 

Your mind, your attitude, your thinking, negatively will destroy your body. 

We're made up of the spirit, soul and body and our program tries to address the spirit of man, the soul of man which are your will and emotions. And also the spiritual side, spirit, soul and body. And our nutritional product takes care of the body and then we can work with the others. It's a pleasure to be with you and thank you for having me. 

Thank you for being here Dr Holt.

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Camille Battaglia
Distributor #CB71720
